BAMM stands for British, American, Medic and Mum. I am British, living in America with my wonderful family and work as a paramedic outside the home and a wife and mum at home (all the time). This is a combination of thoughts, activities, recipes and whatever else happens through this journey called life.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Family Name

It's always interesting to remember growing up and things said - esp now as a parent myself.  I never fully understood what it meant when my parents would say that my behaviour would reflect good or bad on them.  After all - it was me who would do the "things" - why would it not just reflect myself?  However, as a mother of a 4 and 1 year old (still young in the motherhood area I know), I have seen first hand how their behaviour - esp my 4 year old's - makes me feel.  Sometimes I feel so proud I could burst.  Other times I want to shy away and disown the boy!  No, it was not my child that just said or did that!

Last night, as I was talking with a friend, we discussed what it meant to carry the name Christian.  Christ means "the Messiah" or "the Annointed One".  So, as John is known as John the Baptist (because he was a baptizer), Jesus is known as Jesus the Messiah.  Family names were based on professions - it is likely that Joseph (Jesus' earthly father) was known as Joseph the Carpenter.  When we accepted Christ as our Lord and Saviour we were "born again" into the family of Christ and essentially took on His family name - Christian (Messiah followers).  So, what does that really mean?

Let's take a second to think who our Father is....

God, Creator, Love, Omnipotent, the Alpha and Omega (beginning and the end), Saviour, Comforter, Provider, Prince of Peace, Master, Almighty, Everlasting, Righteous, Holy, Just, Judge, Strong One, the Great I AM.

Think about that for a second.  Our Father - is the one who created and sustains this world that we live in.  He gives us breath each second of every day.  He is the one who loved us before we even knew who He was.  He CHOSE us to be in His family.  To carry His family name.  To represent Him here on earth.  Are you in awe yet?  In case you need more - the name we carry as Christians represents the Christ-child who gave up everything and suffered immensely for us while we were dead in our sins -   while we only cared about ourselves and what we could get from the world and others.  We represent the One who shows the ultimate grace and mercy.

I'm sobered - are you?  As you go about your day, do you think about how you are representing your Father?  Do you think God is glowing with pride - "That's my girl or boy"?  Or do you think He may feel the need to "lovingly discipline and draw you back to Himself"?  To remind us who we represent and Whose name we are really dragging through the mud or bringing honour too.  I encourage you (and myself) to remember daily your family name and Who we as Christians really represent.

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