BAMM stands for British, American, Medic and Mum. I am British, living in America with my wonderful family and work as a paramedic outside the home and a wife and mum at home (all the time). This is a combination of thoughts, activities, recipes and whatever else happens through this journey called life.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Bottle

It has recently occurred to me that a lot more things make sense, since having a child of my own. It is also a lot easier to understand some metaphors that are used in the Bible. This morning as I was getting Skyler's bottle warmed up, he was getting very anxious. He wanted that bottle and he wanted it now. Any sign that he might not get it and he was immediately in tears. While he was gulping down his milk, I started thinking about the verses in the Bible that talk about having hunger and thirst for God's Word. I sadly came to the realization that I do not have the same desire for my devotions/quiet time that Skyler has for his bottle. I do not put the same priority on having that special time as Skyler does for his bottle and I certainly do not get as upset if it looks like I'm going to have to postpone it for a few hours or a day. What a difference it would make, if I had the same desire for spending time in God's Word and feeding on it, that Skyler has for his bottle.


  1. I totally understand and relate to this. I do not understand myself.. the best food you could imagine is waiting to be tasted and enjoyed! But it still seems a struggle to get it into perspective, to achieve that burning passion. I do not understand myself. I think and find the more time I put into my Spiritual walk the more on fire I become. Perhaps it is like.. the more you eat, the more you want to eat. As you stomach gets bigger so you need more, want more, crave more. ?

  2. Great point and well illustrated! May we all hunger and thirst after His righteousness and not be satisfied with our daily crumb, but seek the good food that is ours if we take the time to enjoy it. Praying for you guys as you probably have a harder time to set aside this kind of time with having kids and all.

  3. Couldn't agree more! I have time for silly unimportant things and yet am so often too busy to spend time 'feeding' on His Word and growing. Thanks for the insight.
