BAMM stands for British, American, Medic and Mum. I am British, living in America with my wonderful family and work as a paramedic outside the home and a wife and mum at home (all the time). This is a combination of thoughts, activities, recipes and whatever else happens through this journey called life.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Skyler's first snow

So, we (Skyler and I) were hanging out at the house, when it started snowing. Skyler was having a bad day with his teething and so I stood him up on the window sill so that he could watch the snow coming down. While we stood there watching the snow, I told him (even though he is not old enough to understand) that every single one of those snow flakes falling were different, unique just like him. It started me thinking about the human race and how different and unique everyone is. Watching the snowflakes - millions of them just coming down - how amazing it is that everyone of us is an individual. Millions, trillions of people all over the world as unique and individual as each one of those snow flakes falling. How awesome and amazing that is. How special and important we are to our Creator and to our friends and family. We can never be fully replaced, because never again will there be an individual exactly like you and me. Ever feel like you are not important - you are as important as each of those individual snowflakes that make up the pretty picturesque view that we all so love to see.