BAMM stands for British, American, Medic and Mum. I am British, living in America with my wonderful family and work as a paramedic outside the home and a wife and mum at home (all the time). This is a combination of thoughts, activities, recipes and whatever else happens through this journey called life.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Celadon Road

I have been thinking for a month that I need to write a post about my new business but haven't been sure how to do it!  I figured I'd just tell my story...

Back in September/October 2011, I started going through a book on the Proverbs 31 woman.  She is amazing and a lot of the time feels unrealistic.  Baby steps I would keep telling myself - and others would tell me!  One of the things she did was work from home and support her husband and family.  At the time I was working fulltime outside of the home, but I still wanted to have more eggs in my basket so to speak.  I started looking into DSA businesses - Direct Sales Association.  I have never been to a home party and it never really appealed to me, but I thought I would research anyways.  I looked on and off for a few weeks but life hit us hard with the loss of our baby, complications from the loss and a new pregnancy!  Not only did it get put on the back burner, I really forgot about it.  At the end of March 2012, I was approached at a conference by someone who was in direct sales about selling games for the family.  I was really intrigued and started thinking about it again and researching.  At this point, I was out of work on early maternity leave and had plenty of time on my hands and complete boredom!  I asked a few friends and family what they thought and came to the conclusion that although I love playing family games, this was not for me.  However, I did a search on the DSA website for subjects that do interest me and found several all natural, organic companies.  After looking over their websites and learning more about them, I fell in love with Celadon Road.  More research and a LOT of questions later, it was time to talk it over with my husband.  He is all for getting chemicals out of the home and away from our children and so selling that side of things to him wasn't hard.  After determining we really had nothing to lose by trying it, April 17th I signed on as an independent sales consultant for Celadon Road.  I was now my own boss, who set my own schedule and the return on our investment is directly related to how hard/how much work I want to put in.  I don't have to be worried about being fired!!!  I can stay home with my children!  At the same time, I can help with the little extras for the family.  My goals with the business are to help pay of medical bills that have accumulated and pay for vacations and "special extras".  It was instilled in me about making memories not just money.  However, in some cases to make memories you need a little extra cash.  I am excited that I get to go out and spend time with adults (stay at home mothers of young children, know how valuable this is!!!), sharing a subject that I love and am passionate about (and getting more so with the more research I do), AND get a little boost in income!!!

Why Celadon Road?

Celadon Road (CR) is an American company with over 75% of the products made in America.  Statistics show that if every American household bought approx. $64 worth of products made in the USA a month, it would create over 100,000 US jobs!!!  In this economy that's awesome!  Secondly, CR is all about giving back.  For every party order submitted a tree gets planted and new shoes are donated to soles4souls -  Also each consultant gets to donate 1% of their total yearly sales to a charity of their choice.  I chose to donate to the Connie Maxwell Children's home -

The products!  There is such a wide variety of products so I'm not limited to one area when doing parties or talking about the company.  There really is something for everyone - including men!  ALL the products are natural and organic and eco-friendly!  I really would not have considered myself to be a "green" person.  In fact I would use and throw away stuff without thinking twice about it.  My husband was good at recycling but without him - I wouldn't have even done that!  However, I am being converted!  For example, we used cloth diapers with my son to start with - mostly for our cost and benefit but his bottom too.  Didn't really think about disposable diapers and the environmental aspect of them.  My son is potty trained now but wears a disposable diaper at night.  I have since found out that each diaper takes approx. 550 years to decompose!!!!  Now every time we take off his diaper in the morning I think of that!  I also had a very easy way of doing roast potatoes but it meant throwing away a large ziplock bag every time.  Didn't think about it until recently and now I can't bring myself to do it!  Have come up with the help of my husband a new way to do the potatoes!!  Again it's baby steps.  If I had my way we would be a completely green family without any chemicals in our home.  I am hoping that by my 1 year anniversary with CR that we will be chemical free and a lot "greener".

CR is a newer company.  CR was founded in 2008 and launched in Oct 2009.  It is only 2 1/2 years old and has around 300 consultants nationwide.  Some of the older companies have over 100,000 consultants!  Getting in on the ground floor is an awesome opportunity because of the way a DS business works.  When I recruit someone - I make a percentage off their sales.  When they recruit someone - I make a percentage off their sales (a little smaller each time).  This goes to the third generation!  If my team has a certain number of sales then I get a bonus each month too.  It is great for the times that it isn't as easy for me to keep up with my own sales - if something with the family is going on.  Also a great boost to the "extras fund".

I am so excited about this new journey and hope that I can give a great update in 6 months time!  There is so much to learn and so much out there - it is shocking.  I am definitely glad that I am learning a lot of this stuff now while my children are young before exposing them to more man-made chemicals that can cause long term damage/heart ache.

Want to join me on my journey, host a party or just order stuff for your family?  Visit or email me at

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